Transit Antennas And Rail Antennas

Multi-polarized antennas for mass transit systems and railway networks

Transit antennas and rail antennas for onboard, outdoor, and mobile applications support positive traction control (PTC), live video streaming, secure communications, and passenger expectations for reliable wireless connectivity. Subways, buses, and commuter rail also need antennas that perform reliably, especially with non-light-of-sight (NLOS) communications.

With standard antennas, line-of-sight (LOS) paths are commonly disturbed by weather and obstructions that cause reflectivity, multi-path, absorption, and phasing. That’s why MP Antenna designs and manufactures multi-polarized antennas that reduce signal degradation and provide users with consistent voice and data communications in any situation. See the product table and additional sections below for more information. 

ImageSKUNameFrequency RangeDetailshf:att:pa_mounting_typehf:att:pa_radiation_patternhf:att:pa_feeds
08-ANT-1094CBRS Sector Antenna 08-ANT-1094-2X-M3GHz to 4.2GHzMore Infomast_mountdirectional_antennasmulti_feed
08-ANT-1071MIMO Sector Antenna 08-ANT-10712.4GHz to 2.5GHzMore Infomast_mountdirectional_antennasmulti_feed
08-ANT-1072MIMO Sector Antenna 08-ANT-10724.9GHz to 5.9GHzMore Infomast_mountdirectional_antennasmulti_feed
08-ANT-0978Rail Antenna 08-ANT-09784.9GHz to 6GHzMore Infosurface_mountbi_directiona_antennasmulti_feed
08-ANT-1039Rail Antenna 08-ANT-10394.9GHz to 6GHzMore Infosurface_mountbi_directiona_antennasmulti_feed
08-ANT-1070Rail Antenna 08-ANT-10702.3GHz to 2.5GHzMore Infosurface_mountbi_directiona_antennassingle_feed
08-ANT-1041Wayside Antenna 08-ANT-10414.9GHz to 6GHzMore Infosurface_mountbi_directiona_antennasmulti_feed
08-ANT-0959Cellular Antenna 08-ANT-0959700MHz to 3GHz, 4GHz to 6GHzMore Infosurface_mountomnidirectional_antennassingle_feed
08-ANT-0936PTC Antenna 08-ANT-09362GHz to 3GHz, 4.9GHz to 6GHzMore Infonmo_mobile_mountomnidirectional_antennassingle_feed
08-ANT-0935PTC Antenna 08-ANT-0935700MHz to 2700MHzMore Infonmo_mobile_mountomnidirectional_antennassingle_feed

Locomotive Antennas 

Locomotive antennas are train antennas and rail antennas that provide coverage in outdoor environments where high obstructions such as metal poles and bridges can cause reflection cancellation. GPS-enabled, locomotive-mounted antennas receive location data via satellite. This information is then transmitted to a core PTC module and combined with operational data. For more information, see our white paper.

Rooftop and Trackside Antennas

Rooftop antennas are equipped with filtering because engines and onboard motors generate noise or radio frequency interference (RFI). In rail deployments, trackside antennas receive operational and locational data from passing trains and relay this information to control centers. They are designed to withstand heavy vibrations and extreme outdoor environments. Train antennas can support such as voice, data, and video. 

Indoor and Outdoor Antennas

Indoor antennas mount on the ceilings of rail cars, buses, and subways to cover more area. They offer lower gains than standard antennas and increase the probability of receiving the signal in a multi-path environment. Outdoor antennas for rail and mass transit systems may feature a radome that’s made of a UV-resistant polymer and has an IP67 or IP68 rating.

Other Train Antennas and Rail Antennas

MP Antenna supplies train antennas and rail antennas with different radiation patterns in the vertical and horizontal planes.

  • Directional antennas radiate in a single direction where typically higher gain is required.
  • Omnidirectional antennas radiate radio wave power uniformly in all directions in one plane.
  • Bidirectional antennas provide either front-and-rear or side-to-side coverage in one plane. 

Contact us to let us know what you need.